
From W3C Wiki

If I want to design a vocabulary for my university's course schedule, I'm happy to work on the bits that are specific to my university, but I'm not happy re-inventing basic vocabulary about times, places, and people. There's perhaps a critical mass of vocabularies that will seed wide adoption of the SemanticWeb. People, places, times, documents and money are recurring themes...

At Extreme 2000, Michael said, "When you go meta, don't forget to come back". RDF started as a generalization of CDF, OSD, etc. Suppose we consider we're done factoring out the common assertion framework, and some of the modelling bits (RDFS, OWL) are stabilizing. So lets...

  1. Integrate existing, real-world value networks of data into the SemanticWeb.
  For example, RdfCalendar integrates the data from the tools we use to organize
  our lives. SemanticWebForLifeSciences applies semantic web technologies to
  integration problems in life sciences.
  1. Document the benefits of SemanticWeb integration, as well as
  the recurring problems; the combination of these should form PPR:DesignPatterns.
  Help document them here in the esw wiki.
  1. Look for opportunities for consolidation in the VocabularyMarket.

We can document the data formats of OldeWorldeWebServices, which might play a similar seed role.