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Concept Mapping From COI Patient DB to HL7 Vocabulary

# Mapping from COI patient database entity to HL7 vocabulary 
@prefix Person: <http://coi.example/DB/Person#>
@prefix Sex_DE: <http://coi.example/DB/SSeex_DE#>
@prefix Item_Medication: <http://coi.example/DB/Item_Medication#>
@prefix Medication: <http://coi.example/DB/Medication#>
@prefix Medication_DE: <http://coi.example/DB/Medication_DE#>
@prefix NDCcodes: <http://coi.example/DB/NDCcodes#>
@prefix HL7:  <http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/xml/infrastructure/vocabulary/vocabulary#>
#patient info

# A patient in patient database can be modeled as class "Person" (in Entities)
# as well as taking a patient role as in class Role
# here we mapping Person as in HL7 Entities 

# there are two ways to make the mapping:
#using rule to infer type of entity
{?person     Person:MiddleName  ?middleName}
{?person   a   HL7:Person;
  		   HL7:entityName ?middleName} 

#or direct mapping between two RDF properties

Person.MiddleName  owl:sameAs      HL7:entityName.

Person:DateOfBirth owl:sameAs     HL7:livingSubjectBirthTime.

Person:SexDE    owl:sameAs    HL7:administrativeGenderCodeType.

Sex_DE:EntryName  owl:sameAs    HL7:administrativeGenderCodePrintName.