HCLSIG/LODD/Meetings/2010-01-06 Conference Call
Conference Details
- Date of Call: Wednesday January 6, 2010
- Time of Call: 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), 16:00 British Summer Time (BST), 17:00 Central European Time (CET)
- Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
- Dial-In #: + (Nice, France)
- Dial-In #: +44.117.370.6152 (Bristol, UK)
- Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS").
- IRC Channel: irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #HCLS (see W3C IRC page for details, or see Web IRC)
- Duration: ~1h
- Convener: Susie
- Open data follow up - all
- Data update - Anja, Jun, Matthias, Egon
- ESWC Paper - Matthias, Jun
- TCM special issue - Matthias, Jun
- Bio-Ontologies SIG - Susie
Attendees: Oktie, Richard, Susie, Anja, Bosse, Elgar, Egon
Apologies: Matthias, Kei
<Susie> Open Data
<Susie> Anja: Drugbank is free for non commercial use
<Susie> Anja: Dailymed is free
<Susie> Anja: Diseasome is free
<Susie> Anja: STITCH is cc
<Susie> Anja: SIDER is cc
<Susie> Anja: Should still send mails to content providers
<Susie> Anja: Will draft the email and share
<Susie> Anja: Focus mail on publishing rather than interlinking
<Susie> Anja: Describe some of advantages
<Susie> Anja: Will draft by end of week in GoogleDoc
<Susie> Oktie: ClinicalTrials.gov has some terms and conditions
<Susie> Oktie: For example, keeping data up to date
<Susie> Oktie: Don't think there are any licensing problems
<Susie> Oktie: Should have updated version by the end of the week
<Susie> Oktie: Haven't reached out to LinkedCT, but maybe could do that
<Susie> Oktie: Will look at their t&c again, and may send mail
<Susie> Egon: Reached out to Bio2RDF about licensing
<Susie> Egon: Bio2RDF haven't typically contacted the data providers
<Susie> Egon: Do include licensing conditions
<Susie> Egon: Keep the data sources apart
<Susie> Egon: Which helps mitigate the linking problem
<Susie> Egon: Occassionally they have contact with data providers
<Susie> Egon: Mark Alexander may have more details on some of the data sets
<Susie> Egon: Some are published with cc licenses
<Susie> Egon: People typically want data to be shared
<Susie> Susie: Seems that we are good shape in terms of licensing
<Susie> Egon: In some cases universities are actually considered commercial entities
<Susie> Bosse: In order to persuade our companies to use linked data we need to be sure it's OK
<Susie> Bosse: could impact adoption of the technology
<Susie> Data Update
<Susie> Anja: Talis nodality from Aug/Sep. 2009 has an article on some of the licensing problems, etc.
<Susie> Anja: Matthias has made a new version of STITCH available
<Susie> Anja: Matthias said that the format and schema has changed so may take a week or 2 to look into it
<Susie> Oktie: New version of LinkedCT by the end of the week
<egonw> http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chembldb/index.php
<Susie> Egon: Will work on an RDF version of ChEMBL either this week or next
<Susie> Egon: ChEMBL has cc license
<Susie> Egon: Has chemistry data - from patents - small and large molecules
<Susie> Egon: 500,000 bioactive compounds
<Susie> Egon: Also includes activity data
<Susie> Egon: Suprised it's not already in RDF
<Susie> Oktie: HAven't heard from colleague about FDA related data sety
<Susie> Oktie: Believe data is available, but want to make sure the quality is good enough to make publicly available
<Susie> Susie: Ideas for other data sources
<Susie> Susie: Susie discusses drug ontology interest and possible alignment of ChEMBL
<Susie> Elgar: Definitely interest
<Susie> Susie: Colin Batchelor also interested in a drug ontology
<Susie> Outreach
<Susie> Susie: Matthias said missed deadline for ESWC
<Susie> Susie: But continuing to work on the TCM papwr
<Susie> Susie: Bio-Ontologies SIG has been accepted
<Susie> Susie: Still good opportunity for us
<Susie> Egon: ACS in August
<Susie> Egon: Set up mini conference semantic web in cheminformatics and life sciences
<Susie> Egon: Could be intersting venue for others to submit papers too
<Susie> Egon: It's in Boston in August
<Susie> Egon: Will send more details when available
<Susie> Richard: Should consider the AMIA fall meeting
<Susie> Richard: Submission date in March (ish)
<Susie> Richard: Discussion and interest in drug ontology in AMIA community
<egonw> http://www.myexperiment.org/search?type=workflows&query=kind:SPARQL
<Susie> Egon: Availability of SPARQL queries over linked data
<Susie> Egon: Will have students focusd on queries over ChEMBL and other linked data source
<Susie> Egon: Cheminformatics people don't know about RDF and SPARQL
<Susie> Egon: Need to guide people how to use these technologies
<Susie> Egon: Especially like SPARQL queries
<Susie> Susie: Let's focus on the queries after we've done work on chEMBl and the Drug Ontology