
From W3C Wiki

This note describes the so called fusion, the creation of RDForms from an input RDF graph and an HTML form used in pushback.

main responsible:

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See also: RDForms

Fusion: pushback - Write Data Back From RDF to Non-RDF Sources


Mapping to RDForms Vocabulary

The SPARQL query mapping the input RDF graph to the RDForms vocabulary could look like

PREFIX pb:    <http://ld2sd.deri.org/pb#>
PREFIX sioc: <http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

<http://ld2sd.deri.org/demo#form1> a pb:RDForm ;
        pb:field <http://ld2sd.deri.org/demo#field1> .
<http://ld2sd.deri.org/demo#field1> rdf:type pb:UpdateableField ;
           pb:key ?post .

 <http://twitter.com/pushback_demo> sioc:container_of ?post .
 FILTER regex(str(?post), "1287833002", "i") 

You can try this query on an exemplary SIOC RDF graph.

Creation of the RDForm

  1. Parse HTML formular (yields: fields)
  2. Map RDF input graph as described above (yields: KVP representation)
  3. Create dynamically an HTML formular+RDFa decorated with the output of step 1. and 2. yielding the RDForm

The core of a first implementation looks like follows (see source code at the Google code Subversion repository for more details):

function fuse(){
	var pbNS = "http://ld2sd.deri.org/pb/ns#";
	var rdf_type = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type";
	var pb_RDForm =  pbNS + "RDForm";
	var pb_UpdateableField =  pbNS + "UpdateableField";
	var pb_field =  pbNS + "field";
	var inputHTMLForm = $("#inputHTMLForm").val();
	var baseURI = $("#baseURI").val();
	var rdformRDFaHTML ="";
	var rdforms = rdfdoc.Match(null, null, rdf_type, pb_RDForm);
	rdformURI = rdforms[0].subject; // the URI of the RDForm

	$(inputHTMLForm, "[id='" + rdformURI.slice(rdformURI.indexOf("#") + 1) + "']").each(function (i) {// look up in th input for the corresponding form 
		rdformRDFaHTML += startForm(rdformURI, this.id, this.action, this.method);
		var rdformfields = rdfdoc.Match(null, rdformURI, pb_field, null); // get fields of this RDForm
		for (rdformfield in rdformfields) {
			var rdformfieldURI = rdformfields[rdformfield].object;
			if(rdformfieldURI != undefined) {
				var fieldID = rdformfieldURI.slice(rdformfieldURI.indexOf("#") + 1);

				// select C(R)UD op here:
				rdformRDFaHTML += addCRUDop(baseURI, rdformfieldURI, fieldID);

				// for each field set the according decorations
				rdformRDFaHTML += startField(rdformfieldURI, fieldID);
				// look up the correct label here:
				rdformRDFaHTML += addFieldKey(rdformfieldURI + ".key", fieldID, "LABEL");
				//make case distinction on field type here:
				rdformRDFaHTML += startTextFieldValue(rdformfieldURI + ".val", fieldID);
				rdformRDFaHTML += endFieldValue(fieldID);
				rdformRDFaHTML += endField(fieldID);
		rdformRDFaHTML += endForm(this.id);
	showStatus("Fusion done. RDForm created.");

RDForms Generator

A tool that let's you create RDForms based on an HTML form and a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query (mapping). A first fusion prototype is now available and looks as follows (please be patient, everything works online, here ;):