
From W3C Wiki

Task Force Description

NAME: Applications and Demos [ADTF]

STATUS: Active

COORDINATORS: Libby Miller (, Asemantics

MEMBERS: Fabien Gandon (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis), Aditya A Kalyanpur (Mindswap), Brian Mc Bride (HP Labs), Benjamin Nguyen (INRIA-FUTURS), Felix Burkhardt (T-Systems)

OBJECTIVES: To document existing applications and demos.

DELIVERABLES: To create a list of Semantic Web applications and usecases.

TARGET AUDIENCE & USE CASES: Semantic Web application developers


Background Reading



Members of the taskforce have amassed a short list of applications and demos, however the process of collecting them is slow and tedious - the proposal below is designed to speed up the process, by persuading people to document the applications and demonstrators they make using RDF. The taskforce and working group will still carefully choose the applications and demos for inclusion.


Note that this is a proposal only at the moment (May 2005) - under discussion by the task force - see the working group's mailing list for posts marked [ADTF]

At the Boston face to face meeting of the working group (minutes) the following proposal was discussed:

  • select our criteria for inclusion
  • write up some information about how to create a DOAP file for this purpose
  • continue to use the weblog to create links but use a link to DOAP file rather than GRDDLing out DOAP.
  • encourage people to create DOAP files for their apps and demos (via SWIG list and others)
  • encourage people to reuse the data we collate in their apps and demos
  • encourage the working group to add information to the weblog - i.e. harness the collective brain of the group to find apps/demos, using bookmarkets/wiki or somesuch.

Criteria for inclusion

see Boston f2f minutes on this topic

  • Criteria for inclusion:
    • Only applications and demos with their own DOAP descriptions will be included
    • Only freely downloadable apps and demos will be included unless they are products of a W3C member
    • For the time being only RDF, RDFS and OWL applications will be included


  • DOAP is a vocabulary for describing projects 'Description of a Project'). Here's an example. The DOAP RDF file describing the application/demo is linked from the app/demo's webpage like this:

	<link rel="meta" title="DOAP" href="mydoap.rdf" type="application/rdf+xml"/>

Getting files in the database

If you're not a member of the working group, add links to your application/demo's DOAP file on the following page: SemanticWebDOAPBulletinBoard and we'll be more than happy to consider it for inclusion (though the decision about whether to include it remains with the taskforce).

For working group members

  • for members of the working group only - a bookmarklet for creating entries in the SWBP ADTF weblog:

Bookmarklet for DOAP files linked from a project homepage

javascript:d=document;tt=d.selection?d.selection.createRange().text:d.getSelection();v=d.getElementsByTagName('link');for(c=0;c<v.length;c++){if(v[c].title.match(/DOAP/i)){t=v[c].href;}};void(''+escape(d.title)+'&link_href='+escape(d.location.href)+'&text='+escape('<p>')+escape(tt)+escape('</p>')+escape('<div class=')+'%22doap%22'+escape('><a href=')+escape(t)+escape('>DOAP</a></div>'),'_blank','scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=570,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'))

Bookmarklet for DOAP files themselves

javascript:d=document;t='';v=d.getElementsByTagName('name');n=v[0].firstChild.nodeValue;s=d.getElementsByTagName('homepage');h=s[0].getAttributeNS('','resource');dd=d.getElementsByTagName('description');de=dd[0].firstChild.nodeValue;void(''+escape(n)+'&link_href='+escape(h)+'&text='+escape('<p> '+de+'</p>')+escape('<div class=')+'%22doap%22'+escape('><a href=')+escape('%22'+d.location.href+'%22')+escape('>DOAP</a></div>'),'_blank','scrollbars=yes,width=400,height=570,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'))

The bookmarklets speed up the process of blogging the application or demo. To use it, create a new bookmark by copying and pasting the text above into a new bookmark (removing any line breaks). Then for the first one, browse to a page with DOAP linked from it (for example using Doaper firefox extension which shows a logo in the bottom righthand corner of firefox if it is linked from the page). This creates a nearly-complete weblog entry, including the link, title and doap url that you can publish or save as draft. You still need a login for the weblog to create entries - mail for one if you don't already have one. the second bookmarklet does something similar but for the DOAP files themselves, e.g. as listed on SemanticWebDOAPBulletinBoard.

see also SemanticWebBestPracticesTaskForceOnApplicationsAndDemosNotes for old notes and discussions.