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Links Wiki: Thesauri Downloadable

Thesauri and thesaurus-like things that can be downloaded via the web ...

MeSH Medical Subject Headings. [XML]

ELSST European Language Social Science Thesaurus. [RDF, Sample]

Wordnet in RDF from

Open Directory RDF Dump

Agrovoc. Download RDF source. [RDF]

Wordnet [Application]

EuroWordNet [Application, Sample]

Eurovoc [Text]

CALL Centre for Army Lessons Learned thesaurus. Data here. [RDF]

HPMULTI European multilingual thesaurus on health promotion. [Text]

Health and Ageing Theasurus Australian Government. [Text]

GEMET General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus. [XML, Text]

APAIS Australian Public Affairs Information Service thesaurus. [XML, Text]

PACS Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme. [Text]

NASA Thesaurus. [Text]

ETB European Treasury Browser Thesaurus. [Text]

WordWeb [Application]

AOD Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus, NIAAA. [Text]

Bioethics Thesaurus [Text]

Astronomy thesaurus (Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australian National University). Also see here for download. [Text]

Australian Picture Thesaurus [Text, XML]

EET European Education Thesaurus. [Sample, Text]

IRIS keyword thesaurus. [Text]

TRIBLEX Thesaurus, International Labour Organisation. [Text]

Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Thesaurus [Text]

Reaction Chemistry Thesaurus [Application]

OpenThesaurus - Deutscher Thesaurus [Text]