
From W3C Wiki

SWEO Community Project: Linking Open Data on the Semantic Web

OLTP Benchmarks for Triplestores

This page is the home of a community effort to define OLTP benchmarks for triplestores. See this message for background.

This effort is part of the Linking Open Data Project

A list of existing RDF store benchmarks if found here.


The goal of this effort is to define a standard set of OLTP benchmarks that can be run against any triplestore in order to understand its performance in write-heavy environments.


  • Document with tests + dataset description
  • Reference program for running tests


  • Define questions to be addressed by tests
  • Use above to define initial set of tests
  • Define synthetic, reference dataset
  • Draft document
  • Publish document (where?)

Questions To Be Addressed

The following questions should inform the development of the tests.


  • How quickly can I load a big batch of triples?
  • What size transactions work well for this?
  • How is add throughput affected by the size of the triplestore?
  • If delayed indexing is possible, is it beneficial to do so for bulk loads?


  • Once populated, how quickly can I write batches of updates?
  • Small/medium/big batches?
  • How is update throughput affected by the size of the triplestore?


  • How quickly can I delete a big batch of triples?
  • What size transactions work well for this?
  • How is delete throughput affected by the size of the triplestore?



Dataset Description

